Friday, May 4, 2012

Just saw a pair of ducks in our creek this morning. Billie Sue saw the male and got us to take a look. Julia and I went out to the kitchen and Lydia got her camera. We were able to see the duck and Lydia got some pictures. Aaron brought out Bekah's flip cam, and I crept quietly out the door to try to get some better pictures. I gave the dog the down sign, and he was very obedient ... I didn't even have to speak to him. I crept around to where I could get a better view, and there turned out to be a pair. I tried to get a good picture, but I don't know how it will turn out. We heard our first rufus sided towhee yesterday. And Billie Sue made food for the hummingbirds. None appeared yesterday. It's still a little early for them.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Warm Winter

We just had two days of really warm weather. January 31 and February 1 saw high temperatures of 52 and 53 degrees respectively.

The winter has been moderate in terms of temperature and snowfall. We had 6 inches of snow for Halloween, but then basically nothing but trace snowfalls, with a 2-4 inch snow in the mix a couple of times. But those snows were rapidly followed by warm temperatures, and the snow disappeared within a few days.

Yesterday (February 2), the temperature came down from the 50's, and today it's brisk. But there's sunshine and little wind; so far February seems endurable.

As I write, the thermometer reads 35 degrees, and the sun is shining with a lot of white puffy ones moving across the sky. Not too bad.